All our rooms are bright and airy. Most of the rooms are within the main building which is a large Victorian house.
“Children are progressing exceptionally well in all areas of learning and development. The nursery is highly interesting, stimulating, bright and welcoming. “
OFSTED Inspection Report May 2014
There’s a separate baby suite (built in 2012) at the back of the garden and this ensures that babies have a very quiet place to sleep and have a separate outdoor space. This is accessible from the baby suite and they can crawl outside from inside. The floor for the baby suite has under-floor heating (through an air source system) and so have an even temperature and there are no radiators to protect.
The rooms within the main property have been substantially remodeled and opened up since Gerard and Gisela bought the nursery in 2005. They are open-plan and this allows children to access different activities within the same room. It also allows us to offer dance lessons and have enough indoor space within each room for children to romp about and enjoy themselves!
Each room is dedicated to a particular age group (link to section on our rooms). We will recommend moving children between rooms when we feel they are ready for the next stage. Each room has a Head of Unit and your child will have a specific key person within the room who’s job is to focus on your child and ensure that he / she is happy and enjoying each activity.
Our garden
We have a large garden. It’s separated into two main areas: a rubberized activity area where the children play around on scooters and other wheeled things as well as playing in a sandpit.
There’s a large grassy area (although it’s artificial grass because real grass turns into mud pretty quickly with lots of tiny feet on it all the time). This has a Telly-Tubby mound in it – complete with a tunnel. It also has a construction area, a digging area, and a greenhouse made with 1,000 recycled drinks bottles. Our thanks to all the parents who brought these in!
The garden is lit up at when it’s dark and so children can still get a chance to get some fresh air even in the winter.
“Children are able to develop their physical skills exceptionally well as they have regular access to the outside play spaces. They enjoy playing in the mud kitchen, mixing and filling containers, which also helps them explore the concepts of mathematical development. Children enjoy exploring the sensory garden and the textures available from the logs, fir cones, stones and shells. Children enjoy learning about growing and digging in their special area, where they can find bugs, worms and insects.”
OFSTED Inspection Report May 2014